Mars 2023
Februari 2023
19 Februari 2023 - 11:40
Dawn of skyrim mod
" Frost Giants" : Adds blue/white Giants and Giant camps to tundra specific areas.
" JazzJR Skeleton retexture 1.0" : Replaces the texture of skeletons with a higher-res texture of your choice.
" HQ Beards - vanilla texture replacers" : Replaces the textures for facial hair with higher-res textures.
" Improved NPC Clothing - High Res" : Replaces the textures for clothing items in the game with higher-res textures.
" Hvergelmirs Shield Retexture - HSR" : Replaces Iron, Iron Banded, Hide, Steel, and Hold shield textures with higher-res textures.
" aMidianBorn Orcish Armor" : Replaces the textures for Orcish Armor set with higher-res textures.
" aMidianBorn Elven Armor" : Replaces all Elven Armor textures, including the Elven shield texture, with higher-res textures.
" aMidianBorn Helm of Yngol" : Replaces the texture of the 'Helm of Yngol' with a 2048x2048 texture.
" aMidianBorn Scaled Armor" : Replaces Scaled Armor textures with higher-res textures.
" aMidianBorn Leather Armor" : Replaces the textures for Leather Armors with a higher-res texture.
" Hvergelmirs Armor Retexture - HAR" : Replaces the texture of Fur, Iron, Banded Iron, and Steel armors with high-res textures.
" Weapon Retexture Project - WRP" : Replaces texture of some iron weapons and all steel weapons with high-res textures.
(You may want to install this pack first)
" aMidianBorn Book of Silence" : Aims to retexture 'all' weapons and armors in the game.
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